20 Years of Herbafrost

Publié le 01/01/2020

In 2020, Herbafrost celebrated its 20th anniversary!

In 20 years Herbafrost has become one of the main players in the international market for fresh-frozen herbs.

It all started in 2000 with the plant in Hulshout. Thanks to the acquirement of a second production plant in Vladslo a few years later, Herbafrost was able to increase its capacity considerably. One of Herbafrost’s winning cards is undoubtedly that the entire cultivation process is in its own hands, from seed selection to harvesting and processing. This way Herbafrost guarantees a local product with excellent quality. As a result, Herbafrost has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. With our new headquarters, we can only dream of more growth ambitions.

Herbafrost also brings new innovative products on the market. The motto is always: 100% natural, 0% additives and a full aromatic taste. Our newest product are the fiber-free herb drops. In addition, Herbafrost is now ready to reach out directly to consumers, offering herbs in resealable pouches.

Would you like to stay up to date on our next developments? Then be sure to keep following us and also check out our Facebook and LinkedIn pages.



Nous adorons produire des herbes surgelées!

Herbafrost garantit que l’industrie, la vente au détail et la restauration peuvent compter chaque jour sur nos herbes surgelées, qui donnent à chaque plat une touche culinaire savoureuse. Avec notre vaste gamme, vous n’avez besoin que d’un seul fournisseur d’herbes!

Vous n’arrivez pas à trouver ce que vous cherchez? N’hésitez pas à nous contacter! Nous écoutons vos souhaits et verrons ensemble ce qui est possible.