Whitepaper drops

As a producer of IQF herbs and an experienced herbal specialist, Herbafrost regularly develops new processes and products. The motto is: always 100% natural, 0% additives and a full aromatic taste. We would like to introduce you to our newest product: the innovative herb drops!

Herbal drops, what are they?

Our new and innovative product is a unique combination of compact form, fiber-free enjoyment and extremely intense flavor. The herbal drops also have an organic variant!

Herbal drops make a difference because of:
  • More intense flavor
  • Nicely shaped herbal crowns
  • Easily portioned
  • Contains no fibers
  • Ready-to-use
  • Does not stick
  • Different herbs and herb mixes
  • Dissolves perfectly

Curious about what preparations are possible with the herbal drops? And how best to dose them? Read this and much more in our brand new white paper. You can download it by filling out the form below.

We love to produce frozen herbs!

Herbafrost zorgt ervoor dat food industrie, retail en food service elke dag opnieuw kan rekenen op onze diepgevroren kruiden die elk gerecht een smakelijke, culinaire toets geven. Met ons uitgebreid assortiment heeft u maar één kruidenleverancier nodig!

Heeft u specifieke vragen of wensen? Aarzel dan niet om ons te contacteren! Wij luisteren graag naar uw wensen en bekijken samen wat mogelijk is.